Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Megan- Religious YouTube

It was interesting to see that my friend and I aren't the only ones that know about GodTube. This week was a very depressing and unfulfilling week for me and a very good friend sent me an email with a video from GodTube and made me realize some things about myself which eventually led to me breaking down and accepting or beginning to accept the plan God has for me. I love that religion is crossing over and is getting into "mainstream". It is important that we are not ashame of our religion and our beliefs. Thanks for being the first to blog about a religious aspect Megan. Good Job.

Here is a link to this video I hope it will touch you the way it has touched me. Thank you friend :)

1 comment:

Dr. Z said...

Interesting video, Regine. Quite moving. Thanks for sharing.