Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Jena 6

I am writing a blog on this issue because of the media frenzy it is receiving and also how injustice, racism, and ignorance (whatever you want to call it) is alive and well in 2007.

I understand this has nothing to do with technology but if you have been following this story technology allows us to know what’s going on, it allows us to post our comments about the situation and also allows us to communicate with people from all over.

Examples of media being used….text messaging (cell phones), emails, television, youtube, blogging just to name a few.

Double Standard or Not, You be the judge....

If you are not aware or haven't heard of this story I will summarize it for you.

Jena High School is the center of this controversy. On the grounds of the school was a tree that many believed was used to hang black people in the past (not proven just an assumption). This tree was an area where white students sat during the day at school. One of the football players (black boy) asked an administrator if he could sit under the tree and he was told you can sit wherever you want to, and that’s what he and other black students did, they sat under the tree.

The following day three nooses were hung from that tree and the three white students who hung the nooses where expelled. This expulsion did not stick, their punishment was overturned and they were just suspended for just a couple of days because it was viewed as a prank (wow, I guess, I mean really who plays like that). The FBI viewed this as a hate crime but US Attorney Donald Washington said he saw no need to pursue this issue because the three boys had no priors as far as racist crimes are concerned…. (SAY WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, I just don’t understand how he could not see this as a hate crime).

Jesse Jackson mentioned something that was very interesting when being interviewed. He stated, if a picture of a swastika is considered a hate crime, why not the hanging of nooses? So I want to know what makes this different, it’s still a symbol of racism.

To continue….This decision and the suspension instead of expulsion cause lots of tension between the black and white communities. Another incident took place at a private party where a 22 year old white male beat up a black high school student and received a slap on the wrist (I want to know what he was doing at a high school party to begin with?). This caused more tension around school. Well after this incident the district attorney, came to school to speak to the students and his comment was, with the stroke of this pen I can change your life (say what, what are you implying and are you talking to everyone or just a certain population?)

But that wasn't it, a white student was at a gas station, felt threaten and because of this feeling he went to his car, got his shot gun for "protection" and walked over to the black boys. The three black boys wrestled the gun out of his hands and one of the three boys was charged with aggravated battery and attempted battery or murder I believe (say what!!!!!!!!!!!! Who is the judge making up these charges because he needs to go back to law school)? Um, can we get premeditated murder or attempt on the white boy that thought about getting his gun and then going to get it...come on people get with the program.

The main incident that we are all focus on is the six black boys who are charged with beating a white boy in a high school fight. There are so many sides to this story, the black students say racial comments were being made and the white students say the black boys just jumped on the white boy for no reason. Well this case was taken to court because the boys were charged with all types of ridiculous charges including murder. Murder was one of the charges because one a tennis shoe was viewed as murder weapon (I’m sorry but this is just a joke to me. I don’t know how many of you were disciplined as young kids but I remember my mom hitting me with a tennis shoe so I guess she should be charged with murder also). Well at their trial no witnesses were called to defend them or to even mention if any of the black boys were even involved in the fight. But the story gets better; one of the boys who hung the nooses on the tree was a key witness and pointed out who was involved in the fight. (Okay people, what is the deal here, are they serious?)

Well the black community is angry, not at the town of Jena but at the charges these young men are facing. The punishment should fit the crime, period. If racism is not a factor why did the white offenders get a slap on the wrist and these young men are getting the book thrown at them?

Well black people from all over supported these young men by leaving their home and going to Jena to protest and to show their support. Some of the big name included, Jesse Jackson, Tyler Perry, MosDef, Al Sharpton, Martin Luther King III, and brothers of the Nation of Islam just to name a few. Everyone came out for the same cause, mass emails, text messaging and so on were being sent out to ask people to wear black to support the Jena 6. (I know I wore my black in support of these boys, those that received the text, how many of you wore black?)

Seriously folks, this was not about wearing black or taking a trip to Jena, this was about how in 2007 racism is alive and well. It really vexes me when we have to keep going through this! The only difference with it happening down south is the fact that racism isn’t hidden but I can’t say the same for other places because racism tends to be hidden. What everyone fails to understand is there is one superior leader and that is God (those that don’t believe disregard this sentence because you can believe what you want. But my parents raised me to believe in God and his race of Angles to me are the superior race and will always be).

No matter how superior you think you are you will never be immortal. I get so tired of all this crap because if I cut you on your arm and then myself I bleed blood just like you. I am also so tired of hearing friends tell me they’ve been called monkeys or told to go back to Africa. Well if those individuals consider themselves a superior race, they need to educate themselves about on the evolution of man. I was not born in Africa and am pretty sure most of us weren’t so when they say go back to Africa, they show their ignorance because my ancestors may have been from Africa but I am my current generation were born in places other than Africa.

The black community is not saying these young men are innocent; we just want the charges to be fair, we want the punishment to fit the crime. Equal justice is all we are asking for.

Let me know what you think, it is an interesting topic in my opinion and if not it was nice to let you know a little of what is going on and what is important to me.

image from:www.chinadaily.com.


Dr. Z said...

Wow, You really know how to use the blogging medium. I have read a lot about the Jena 6 but never as complete an account of the inter-relation of events.

This IS wrong! Those who hung the nooses DID commit a hate crime and should be punished with expulsion.

Thank you for sharing your ideas on this. It IS something that we need to deal with. 50 year ago, the first negro students entered Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. It took 3 attempts for the 8 negro students to successfully enter the high school. This move took bravery on the part of the students (and their parents) as well as 1,000 Army Paratroopers that had been dispatched by President Eisenhower.
Racial boundaries are difficult things to cross. I would hope to think that great strides have been made in the integration of Americans but instances like the Jena 6 show that we have not progressed as far as I had hoped.

I found an interesting reprinting of the school newspaper coverage of the Arkansas event at http://www.centralhigh57.org/the_tiger.htm

LYLE.F.REED said...